Sibeile IMR14500 700mAh (Black) 2014
Button top version
Official specifications:
- Nominal Voltage: 3.7v
- Max.Charge Voltage: 4.2±1v
- Discharge Cut-off Voltage: 3.0v
- Capacity: 700mah
- Stand Charge Current: 1.2A
- Max.Charge Current: 2.2A
- Standard Discharge Current: 1.2A
- Max Continue Discharge Current: 2.4A
- Size: Height:50±2.0mm Diameter: 14±2.0mm
- Cycle life: > 300 cycles
- Material: li-ion
- Operating Temperatue: 0~45°c
- Storage Temperature: -20°c~60°c
The is the button top version of the cell.
Good tracking between the cells and also constant capacity at any load, this looks good.
Flat top version
Official specifications:
- Nominal Voltage: 3.7v
- Max.Charge Voltage: 4.2±1v
- Discharge Cut-off Voltage: 3.0v
- Capacity: 700mah
- Stand Charge Current: 1.2A
- Max.Charge Current: 2.2A
- Standard Discharge Current: 1.2A
- Max Continue Discharge Current: 2.4A
- Size: Height:50±2.0mm Diameter: 14±2.0mm
- Cycle life: > 300 cycles
- Material: li-ion
- Operating Temperatue: 0~45°c
- Storage Temperature: -20°c~60°c
The is the flat top version of the cell.
This version also has good tracking between the cells and also constant capacity at any load, this looks good.
I expect they are using the same cell, i.e. they must have the same performance.
The batteries has a good capacity for IMR batteries, even though it is lower than rated. The performance is also good, even at much higher current than they are rated for.
There is a very small difference between flat top and button top, the button top increases the resistance slightly.
I will rate this battery acceptable.
Notes and links
The battery was supplied by Sibeile for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Comparison to other LiIon batteries